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Wide DirectoryListing Details
ID: | 30819 | |
Title: | Cutting Plotters | |
URL: | http://www.signvec.com/productlist.php?id=1&scid=35 | |
Category: | Business: Industry | |
Description: | Cutting Plotters has special electric circuit design to ensure the electric Mainboard more stable and workable under the voltage of 180~250v in any circumstances. International modern linear guide and alloy paper stalks can cut the little character of 5mm smoothly. It has CPU of 16 bits and advanced digital subdivision motor to support a high cutting speed of 720mm/s. | |
Meta Keywords: | Cutting Plotter, Cutting Plotters | |
Meta Description: | Cutting Plotters has special electric circuit design to ensure the electric Mainboard more stable and workable under the voltage of 180~250v in any circumstances. | |
Link Owner: | signvecpteltd | |
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