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Wide DirectoryListing Details
ID: | 37219 | |
Title: | non-profit/NGO in India | |
URL: | http://www.prefoundation.org | |
Category: | Society: Organizations | |
Description: | PradeepRichaEducare Foundation (PREF), a social non-profit organization, based in Delhi and a CSR initiative of REPL, is a well-known consultancy company in the real estate sector. PREF was founded on November 30, 2010 with the motive of making contribution to the development of human resource in our country. The aim of the organisation is to act as guide to students and develop them as an important asset to the nation in future | |
Meta Keywords: | PREF, PradeepRichaEducare Foundation, non-profit/NGO in Delhi, non-profit/NGO up | |
Meta Description: | PREF, PradeepRichaEducare Foundation, non-profit/NGO in Delhi, non-profit/NGO up, non-profit/NGO in India, PREF Scholarship Programme, Scholarship programs for class 11& 12, Scholarship in Allahabad University | |
Link Owner: | Pre Foundation | |
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